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Data Collection Survey on Secondary Education Sector in Bangladesh

Southeast and South Asia
Data Collection Survey on Secondary Education Sector in Bangladesh
Client JICA
Country・Area South Asia and Southeast Asia
JICA has been supporting primary education sector in Bangladesh since 2004, contributing to improved enrollment rates and the enhancement of quality of education at primary education level. Additionally, since 2019, JICA has been working to improve the quality of education at technical junior colleges for the development of industrial human resources. However, there is a growing recognition of the importance of secondary education in bridging primary education and technical education, as students' basic academic skills and technical knowledge are not meeting the demands of industry. Although JICA has not previously been involved in secondary education, it is now considering it as a priority area, prompting a survey to assess the need for support. The survey analyzed various aspects of secondary education in Bangladesh, including policies, curricula, academic assessment, teacher training, ICT, and the involvement of other development partners, in order to explore the possible cooperation by JICA.