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Management Support Consultancy Services for Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project

Roads and Highways
Southeast and South Asia
Client Bangladesh Bridge Authority
Country・Area Bangladesh
The Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project (PMBP) is a major infrastructure project in Bangladesh aimed at connecting the southwestern region to the rest of the country. The bridge, which spans approximately 6.15 km, includes 14 km of river training works and 13.6 km of approach roads. The bridge will support a 4-lane highway and a dual-gauge rail line, along with gas, power, and telecommunication lines. The bridge’s structure features a two-level steel truss superstructure with road traffic on the upper level and rail on the lower level. The main bridge consists of 41 spans, each 150 m long, supported by 42 piers with large diameter steel tubular piles driven to depths of 100-115 m. Additionally, there are 3.68 km of approach viaducts for the road and rail, made of precast pre-stressed concrete beams and reinforced concrete deck slabs. The project is divided into five construction contracts covering the main bridge, approach viaducts, road works, river training works, and bridge-end facilities. The bridge also includes toll plazas, service areas, and facilities for maintenance staff. 
MSC Consultant assisted BBA with the following project management, budget and financial management, quality control and assurance, payment certificates review, contractual advice and settlement of disputes, claims, implementation of the social safeguard Plans (environment, resettlement etc.), training of BBA staff, and Design and Management of a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) program for socio-economic aspects of the PMBP. PADECO provided expertise in contract management, environmental and resettlement oversight, and social safeguard plans, assisting with progress reports, claims management, and environmental action plan implementation.