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Improving National Roads for Inclusive Growth in Mindanao

Traffic and Transport Planning
Southeast and South Asia
Client ADB
Country・Area Philippines
Mindanao, the second-largest island in the Philippines, has over 20 million residents but faces the highest poverty rate (39%) due to civil conflict and low economic growth. Despite recent development, many infrastructure goals from the Mindanao 2000 plan remain unmet because of poor planning, limited government funds, and low private sector investment. The project aimed to boost economic growth by improving national roads, supporting the Philippine government’s road network priorities, and enhancing infrastructure services in line with ADB’s Strategy 2020. It also focused on regional cooperation through ASEAN Highway and BIMP-EAGA projects, promoting sustainable transport, and increasing resilience in road infrastructure.

The project consisted of two components: preparing a pre-feasibility design for 500 km of roads in Western Mindanao and updating the Road Network Master Plan. PADECO, as the lead firm, managed the project, provided technical assistance, and ensured ADB Safeguards and procurement compliance. PADECO also conducted strategic reviews, climate change assessments, and capacity development for district engineers, focusing on security planning and sub-regional cooperation.