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Road Disaster Prevention Plans and Capacity Building for Traffic Forecasting and Economic Analysis

Roads and HighwaysClimate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Client Japan International Cooperation Agency
Country・Area Kyrgyzstan
Roads play an important role in the Kyrgyz Republic, accounting for 95% of the transport of people and goods. In addition to damage and deterioration of pavement surfaces and roadbeds, road disasters are a major issue. Countermeasures against frequent falling rocks as well as rock and slope collapses are required. For road disaster prevention measures between the cities of Bishkek and Osh, JICA identified the current situation and problem areas in formulating this technical assistance and capacity building project to develop road disaster prevention plans. PADECO conducted a traffic survey, prepared a demand forecast for the project road section, and analyzed the economic effects of the planned road disaster prevention project.