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Foreign Trade Training Centre Project Phase III : Pilot implementation of e-Learning systems

ICTEducationHuman Resource Development
Middle East and North Africa
Client Japan International Cooperation Agency
Country・Area Egypt
The Foreign Trade Training Centre (FTTC) was a non-profit training institution under the Ministry of Trade and Investment of Egyptian Government, which was established in 2001 in the capital city of Cairo with assistance of Japanese Grant. JICA provided technical assistance in two phases from 2002 to 2008 for institutional and capacity development of the FTTC as well as development and implementation of the training courses. As a result, the number of trainees at the FTTC increased to about 3000 per annum. The Phase III of the Project was launched in 2010 to assist in the development and implementation of web-based e-Learning systems in response to the increasing demand of candidates who cannot attend face-to-face training courses.