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Consulting Services for Detail Design, Tender Assistance and Construction Supervision for Matarbari Port Development Project (RHD Component)

Traffic and Transport Planning
Southeast and South Asia
Client Roads and Highways Department (RHD)
Country・Area Bangladesh
The capacity of existing major ports in Bangladesh is insufficient to sustain the country’s growing economy. To accommodate the increasing volume of exports and imports, the Government of Bangladesh has decided to construct a new port in Matarbari as well as the access road to the port, with a loan from JICA. PADECO is a member of the joint venture undertaking the consultancy services for detailed design, tender assistance, and construction supervision of the 25.7 km access road.

PADECO is responsible for the following aspects of the project:
- Traffic analysis: carrying out classified traffic counts and axle load surveys; estimating future traffic and axle loads designing appropriate pavement structures and the corresponding layer thickness.
- Environmental considerations: assessment of environmental impact including air and noise pollution and defining mitigation measures; identification of environmental and social responsibilities as explained in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP); monitoring the effectiveness of EMP during construction.
- Social consideration and resettlement: update and/or prepare Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) based on detailed design; preparing the procedures for timely land acquisition, disbursement of compensation and assistance to project affected persons; monitoring land acquisition, involuntary resettlement, and compensation activities.