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PADECO started in the early 1980s as a consulting firm specializing in traffic engineering and transport planning and these have been core expertise areas of the firm since then. We have carried out numerous transport and traffic studies globally and for multiple international agencies. We offer expertise in master planning of multimodal transport systems (urban, intercity, national, and regional) and transit-oriented development; formulation of transport development policies and strategies; feasibility studies; traffic analysis and forecasts; operations planning; project appraisal and evaluation; introduction of ICT and smart technologies for transport planning and development; and institutional and capacity development.
PADECO has extensive experience in the road and highway sector, from urban, rural, and intercity roads to initiatives for nonmotorized vehicles and pedestrians. We provide services at all stages of the project cycle, including formulation of road sector policy; master planning of road network development; planning of regional connectivity/improvement of strategic corridors; feasibility studies of roads and highways, bridges, integrated transport systems, and cross-border transport facilitation; basic and detailed design of roads, highways, and structures (e.g., bridges, flyovers, tunnels); road safety; climate-change resilience measures; tender assistance and construction supervision; social and environmental impact assessment and management; advisory services for road maintenance and asset management; due diligence and engineering services for PPP projects; and institutional and capacity development.
PADECO has substantial experience in the planning and development of mass transit and railway systems including metro, light rail, and bus systems in major urban areas, and railways linking major cities in the developing world. Our services include master planning of railway transport development, including metro, MRT, LRT, subway, and high-speed rail as well as transit-oriented development (TOD); feasibility studies including demand forecasting, route/alignment selection, preliminary design, construction planning, cost estimation, economic and financial analyses, and environmental and social safeguards; basic and detailed design of civil structures, railway track, and stations as well as rolling stock, electrical and mechanical (E&M) systems, and signaling and telecommunication systems; tender assistance and construction supervision; project management consultancy (PMC); O&M planning and advisory services; and institutional and capacity development.
PADECO has significant experience in all stages of port development including the development of commercial, industrial, and fishery ports, inland water transport, shipyards, and ship recycling yards. Our services include analysis of maritime transport connectivity and logistics; master planning of port development; feasibility studies including port planning, preliminary design, demand forecasting, construction planning, cost estimation, and economic and financial analyses; environmental and social safeguards; examination of PPP models; basic and detailed design of port facilities; tender assistance and construction supervision; project management consultancy (PMC); institutional and capacity development; and consultancy services for maritime safety improvement.
PADECO is the only company in Japan that provides international consulting services in the space and aviation sector. We have assisted numerous developing countries in establishing independent satellite systems using Japanese technology and can provide services from feasibility studies to construction and implementation supervision. By their nature, the details of these projects are confidential.
Water is an essential component for socioeconomic development. PADECO offers an extensive range of global services in the water, wastewater, and sanitation sectors, including formulation of water sector policy and capacity / institutional development; feasibility studies of water supply and wastewater treatment systems; basic and detailed design; tender assistance and construction supervision; project management consultancy (PMC); O&M planning and advisory services for urban and rural water supply; facilitation of public awareness and participation; and project formulation and feasibility studies of PPP models for O&M of water supply and sewerage facilities.
Achieving sustainable generation and rational use of energy is one of the greatest challenges faced by the modern world and requires attention from all levels of government. PADECO provides expertise in efficient energy use, energy conservation, renewable energy, and environmental protection. In particular, we have extensive experience with the formulation of national policy and road maps for energy efficiency improvement, planning of specific measures to be undertaken in stages, and capacity development to strengthen the capability of concerned agencies to implement energy efficiency improvement policy, strategies, and measures.
Efficient international trade and transport is an important element supporting today’s global economy. PADECO has been implementing many trade and cross-border transport facilitation projects around the world involving single, multimodal, and intermodal analyses; regional connectivity; urban, rural, and intercity transport; and institutional strengthening of transport and trade agencies.
PADECO has been expanding its expertise in agriculture and forestry, and provides services in this area, including the development of food value chains, increasing agricultural products, and delivering higher values for the society as a whole through better forest management and increasing the profits of each stakeholder, thereby promoting economic growth.
PADECO is one of the few Japanese firms that provides consultancy services to manage financial intermediary loans provided based on the financial policy of the partner country. These loans provide funds necessary for the implementation of designated policies, such as the promotion of small and medium-scale enterprises in manufacturing, agriculture, and other specified industries, and the construction of facilities to improve the living standards of the poor. These loans are known as "two-step loans (TSLs)" because under the process, funds pass through two or more financial institutions before the end-beneficiaries receive the funds. PADECO also works on financial inclusion, which enables equal opportunities for individuals and businesses in access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs. Our specific services include the identification of needs for financing and operations in the target industries / businesses and beneficiaries, socioeconomic impact assessment of the newly introduced financial services, and advisory services for the target industries/businesses and beneficiaries concerning the use of the financial services.
Many governments of developing countries have been turning to the use of private sector investment to finance large-scale infrastructure development as an alternative to using public finances in the face of increasing national debt. PADECO is one of the few Japanese consulting firms in international development that provide advisory services in public-private partnerships (PPP) for international clients.
PADECO has carried out numerous projects for private sector development, providing expertise in areas including the analysis of international competitiveness, introduction of relevant Japanese experience with industrial development, application of cluster approaches for strategic industries, and use of practical approaches to overcoming current constraints. Our services include industrial and private sector development; social development in both developing and industrialized country settings; assessment of worldwide experience in private sector involvement; and improvement of management and operations in organizations being corporatized or privatized.
The management of assets in a systematic and transparent manner is a major concern of many of PADECO’s clients. We provide expertise in implementing appropriate and suitable methodologies for collection and management of asset information and data that is essential for quality operations and management. Our projects range from the road and transport sectors to water and sanitation, and use different tools to establish inventories and asset databases, enhance data accessibility and compatibility, and undertake mapping and analysis for O&M.
Environmental management is a key issue that has long been gaining attention throughout the world at all levels of government. In addition to environmental and social considerations in the planning and implementation of development projects, PADECO has been expanding its expertise in this area including studies in urban environmental management, forestry management, and pollution control (e.g., the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions).
Tourism development provides countries with the opportunity to increase foreign currency earnings as well as promote regional development in a sustainable manner. PADECO’s experience with tourism development is extensive, ranging from tourism master planning and the development of marketing and promotion strategies to tourism capacity development. The areas of tourism in which we have worked are also diverse, including cultural tourism, nature and ecotourism, agricultural tourism, and community-based tourism. In each of these areas, PADECO has supported the strengthening of public and private partnerships (PPPs), which are critical for achieving sustainable tourism.
PADECO has been expanding its work in climate change and disaster risk reduction, assessing, planning, and designing landslide prevention and flood protection in road and rail projects; implementing disaster and climate-change countermeasures using earth observation satellites; and preparing regional and urban disaster prevention plans.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a common tool to achieve efficiency. In various contexts, PADECO has assisted the application of ICT and computer systems for the management of organizations and the provision of services.
PADECO has undertaken institutional strengthening in projects in various socioeconomic sectors, both in government and private organizations, to achieve autonomy and accountability. Good governance is necessary for organizations to function effectively and sustainably. Decentralization and participatory development are key aspects of this work.
PADECO’s consulting services in the education sector have covered most subsectors, from primary to higher education. Of special note, PADECO has carried out many science and mathematics projects, focusing on quality improvement of classroom teaching and the training of trainers, in Asia and Africa. Recently, the renewal of curriculum/textbooks and the development of noncognitive skills, along with “whole child education”, are also growing areas of PADECO’s integrated education services.
PADECO has extensive experience undertaking urban planning and development projects for clients both in Japan and in developing countries. Our services include master planning of regional and urban development; urban revitalization; planning and project management consultancy (PMC) for integrated urban infrastructure improvement, including roads, bridges, public transport, water supply, sanitation and drainage, sewerage, and solid waste management; transit-oriented development (TOD); application of geographic information system (GIS) and management information system (MIS) technologies for urban planning, development, and management; community development through peacebuilding, applying Indigenous and local knowledge and resources; and regional vitalization through development of community-based tourism (CBT) and ecotourism.
Human resources are an essential element for sustainable economic and social development. PADECO has worked on capacity building and training in various sectors, to respond to the situation and issues arising in specific fields. The work typically involves the use of a customized practical and effective methodology.